Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Blog Contents

Where in the world is Ecuador?
Adjusting to the altitude
What about Cayo?
The mountains
Arasha Rain Forest Resort
More about the bus ride
Flowers at Arasha
Making chocolate
The big hike
Back to Quito – getting ready for Christmas
Gift baskets
Christmas at Emily and Cayo’s
Orchids and butterflies
Mosaico and Itchimbia
More on Mosaico
On the road to Otavalo
The jeep
Colorful Otavalo
People of Otavalo
Streetlights of Otavalo
La Luna
Weaving studio in Peguche
Parting thoughts of Otavalo
La Luna Objects
Ahh, beautiful Cuenca
The market
Visiting Nubia
Posado del Angel, Cuenca
Paso del Niños
Old Year / New Year in Cuenca
The masks
Ringing out the old year
Lobito y Maria Jose
A little history of the Año Viejo burning
A day in the campo
The Panama hat factory
Eduardo Vega gallery
Artesa factory
Images of Cuenca
Guayasamin home and museum
Eating out in Quito
Capilla del Hombre
Cristóbal González Guzmán
Going home
Going home

We have many wonderful memories of the country, the people, and our experiences. Now that Emily and Cayo are moving to Portland, we won't make this trip as often, but we are determined to return to the country that we love.

Here are a few parting images --

Sunday, May 14, 2006
Cristóbal González Guzmán

It was a very special, and very memorable evening. When we left, I took a CD of his work to present to the owner of the Onda Gallery. The owner of the gallery loves his work and there will be a Cristóbal González Guzmán show at Onda this coming September.

Friday, April 28, 2006
Capilla del Hombre

Inside the dome.

And, on the softer side, this sculpture called "Family". The painting is probably Guayasamin's most famous and is a tribute to his mother. It is called "Tenderness".

Eating out in Quito

On every trip, we wind up eating one or more meals at Crepes and Waffles. This

We went to a great Italian Restaurant, however I can’t remember the name. Also, Em & Cayo took us to the only brew-pub in Quito, the Turtles Head Pub. It is styled after a British pub. The décor is great and the beer selection is good. They also have decent snacks. Andy and I played a few games of pool with Cayo. It was fun. We also met friends of Emily at a Pizza restaurant one night.
Quito has a wide assortment of restaurants that feature food from Cuba, Mexico, Italy, France, the US, and many more. And, of course, there are establishments that feature traditional Ecuadorian fare. There are a growing number of American fast food franchises (McD, KFC, etc.) Needless to say, we don’t spend valuable tourist time and $ in those establishments.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Guaysamin Home and Museum

From the house, we made our way down the hill toward the museum, stopping along the way to admire a Pre-columbian, Mayan sculpture, collected by Guayasamin, the beautiful view of Quito and a new sculpture on the grounds of the museum. I believe this piece is representative of the death of an indigenous leader at the hands (and horses) of the Spanish. This piece is not by Guayasamin, but was commissioned for the museum. I don't know the name of the artist—wish I did.

Tomorrow I'll post pictures of the Chapel of Man museum.
Saturday, April 22, 2006

To the right is a photo of the peak of Pichincha, which is an active volcano.

At the bottom of the ride was a carnival and at the top we found cafes, shops, and folk musicians.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Images of Cuenca
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I have to tell you I had avoided Cuy on my previous four visits to Ecuador, but the time had come to sample the local delicacy. Cuy (pronounced Kwee) is guinea pig. We went to a restaurant renowned for their cuy, but we also ordered a platter of chicken.

How did it taste? Well—you expected me to say "like chicken," didn't you? Some people think it tastes like rabbit. I've never eaten rabbit, so I can't compare. It tasted a bit like duck to me—a little stringy, very boney, but the crispy skin was quite tasty. Andy just couldn't bring himself to try it, but the rest of us managed to reduce it to a pile of teeny, tiny bones.